Grade School Faith Formation
Grade School Faith Formation Registration
St Charles Borromeo/ St Romans Collaborative Catholic Faith Formation Program will open registration for the 2024-2025 in May! All registration material is also available for printing on this page.
If you wish to enroll your family in Faith Formation at St Charles Borromeo, please find the forms attached to the link below. Please print and return to the parish office:
St Charles Borromeo Faith Formation
5571 S Marilyn Street
Milwaukee, WI 53221
Registration forms:
2024/2025 Student Registration for 1st thru 5th Grade (English)- click here
2024/2025 Student Registration for 1st thru 5th Grade (Spanish)- click here
2024/2025 Student Registration for Middle School - 6th thru 8th Grade (English)- click here
2024/2025 Student Registration for Middle School - 6th thru 8th Grade (Spanish)- click here
Grades 1st thru 5th Grade are held at St. Romans Parish on Sunday mornings at 8:45 am.
Grades 6th Grade thru Confirmation are held at St. Charles Borromeo on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm.
Thank you for your inquiry!
Sacrament Preparation
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
“Gifts for a Lifetime” A Parish based sacrament program centered on teaching children and families and the community that God is a generous gift-giver. Parents are their child’s primary catechist. Our programs will engage parents in the role of catechist and enrich the sacramental experience for the child, family and Parish community.
Students in both the school and Religous Education Classes are to register. This includes all second graders and any student in the upper grades that have not previously prepared for Reconciliation or Eucharist.
2024/2025 First Reconciliation and First Eucharist Registration (English)- click here
2024/2025 First Reconciliation and First Eucharist Registration (Spanish)- click here
Religious Education and Sacrament Preparation (Reconciliation, Eucharist & Confirmation)
Role of Parents
While the catechesis offered within the family is ordinarily informal, unstructured, and spontaneous, it is no less crucial for the development of the child’s faith…Parents are catechists precisely because they are parents. Formation for Children School-age children should receive formal and systematic catechesis in a parish-based catechetical program, a Catholic school, or a program of home-based catechesis in which the content of the faith and the experience of Christian life is presented authentically and completely. National Directory for Catechesis 203-4 The above information is taken from the National Directory for Catechesis and can be found on the website under the John Paul II Center - Catechesis and Youth Ministry Religious Education. We provide this information in our CYF Family Handbook here at St. Charles Borromeo. As a parish community we follow the above guidelines for catechism of our children. With support of our parish Faith Formation Commission and our Pastor we apply further that parents requesting sacrament preparation for their children for Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation must have their children participate in one year of formation prior to immediate sacrament preparation. The Archdiocese of Milwaukee Sacramental Guidelines states: “Children commonly participate in a sacramental preparation program for at least one year prior to…immediate preparation. This on-going catechesis…forms the foundation for the immediate catechesis for (the sacraments).”
If you have questions about the following guidelines please contact St Charles Borromeo Faith Formation Office at the parish office.
Elementary Grades 1st~ Grade 5
“Finding God”, by Loyola Press, provides a meaningful and effective faith formation program for our elementary age children that engages their energy, imagination, compassion and playful spirit. With help and guidance from our parents, children begin to appreciate the power of faith helping them make good choices, extend themselves in our Parish, community and beyond. Exploring the Old and New Testament they begin to apply these messages to their lives. We join together for prayer, celebrate the saints, share our hearts and treasures with others while preparing for Advent and Lent, learn about vocations, pray the stations of the cross, and celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Our trained catechists lead our children to a deeper understanding of God’s love enabling and encouraging them to participate in classroom prayer leadership, and the importance of Sunday’s community celebration of the Eucharist.
Click here to see schedule for 2024/2025 dates (Coming Soon- Classes start in September).
Middle School Class Schedule (Grades 6 - 8 )
Students at the middle school level examine their roles as Christian witnesses on a faith journey through a study of scripture, history, morality and Church teachings. Middle School Grades meet on Monday in the St. Charles Borromeo school classrooms from 7:00 ~ 8:15 p.m.
Click here to see schedule for 2024/2025 dates.-- (Coming Soon- Classes start in September)
Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) (Grades 1 - 8 )
Program for children who have never been catechized and have reached the age of reason (7 or 8 years old), preparing them for full sacramental initiation. Process invites children to experience God through Jesus within the Christian tradition and Catholic Church.
For more information please call the Parish Office.