Prayer and Worship

 This Commission guides the liturgical celebrations in the parish and coordinates the efforts to support the liturgical and prayerful life at St. Charles. 

The requirement for all Prayer and Worship Ministries (except for the Children’s Choir and Children’s Handbell Choir) is to be a baptized, moral Catholic and a member of the parish.


Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration helps us develop a deeper love for the Eucharist and engages us in a powerful experience of prayer for an increase in priestly vocations and evangelization. Whether you have five minutes or an hour to spend in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, you are welcome and encouraged to participate in this beautiful, grace-filled practice.

See SCB Parish Bulletins for current dates and times.

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Servers assist the Priest and Deacon in providing the worshippers with a meaningful experience. Servers are usually scheduled to serve one to two Masses per month and are required to be present 15 minutes before Mass.

Open to all youth, male and female, in 4th grade and older and adults. This ministry includes serving at liturgies for weekend and weekday Masses, Holy Days, Stations of the Cross, evening prayer, benedictions, and funerals. Appropriate dress is required.

Art and Environment

Help decorate the Church for different liturgical seasons. Time: Approximately 4 times a year, based on the liturgical cycles. During Lent/ Easter and Advent/Christmas, about 4-6 hours may be required. Meeting time varies.

No special skills required. All parish members and junior and senior high school students are welcome.

Eucharistic Ministers for Mass

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Communion during Mass. Anyone who is of high school age or older, has been Confirmed and a member of the community in good standing with the Church is welcome to serve. Appropriate dress is required.

Training sessions occur by request after a weekend liturgy. Medallions, found in back of church, are worn to distinguish parishioners as Eucharistic Ministers. 


A lector proclaims the Word of God at the liturgy. Time: Scheduled once per month. Lectors are required to be present 15 minutes prior to Mass, and are required to get their own substitutes. There are no regularly scheduled meetings. However, there are rehearsals for special liturgies for Holy Week.

Adults and high school students who have been Confirmed are invited to participate in this ministry.  Good public speaking voice and ability to read well in public. Appropriate dress is required.

Ministers of Hospitality

Consists of men, women, and youth willing to welcome and greet parishioners, assist worshippers in need, assist in offering of gifts, and help prepare worship space for the next service. Time: Approximately once or twice a month. Required to be present 30 minutes prior to Mass. Ministers must get their own substitutes if they cannot minister when scheduled. Training and formation required.

Willing to provide a warm and welcoming environment as parishioners gather for worship. Appropriate dress is required. Ministers may be required to assist worshippers in wheelchairs and must be willing to assist in case of medical emergency. CPR training is offered.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Biermann, 281-8115 ext. 28

Music Ministries

Adult Choir

Enhance the liturgy through prayerful reflection in song, singing from Sept. to May. Time: Rehearsals, once a week, 6:30 - 8:30 pm on Tuesdays. Members are required to be present 30 minutes prior to Mass. The adult choir also participates in occasional liturgies, special feasts, and seasonal concerts.

All parish members and high school students are welcome. Ability to read music helpful, but not required.

Adult Handbell Choir

Assist the community in worship through the artistry of bell ringing. Time: Rehearsals, once a week, for 90 minutes. September through Pentecost, based off of members' availability.  

No experience necessary, but ability to read music and count rhythm is helpful.  All parish members 6th grade and above are welcome.

Cantor Ministry

Proclaim the Word of God through leadership of the Responsorial Psalm and hymn singing. Cantors lead the parish community in worship at all Masses. Time: typically serve once or twice a month.

Vocal assessment is required.  Ability to read music helpful, but not required. Appropriate dress is required while serving the Lord in this ministry.

Resurrection Choir

Goal of this group is to provide music to complement and enhance the funeral liturgies and memorial Masses. Time: Need to be present 15 minutes before liturgies.

Open to all parishioners. Ability to read music helpful, but not required. Appropriate dress is required.

Please see the Liturgical Ministries brochure or for more information, contact Director of Liturgy Elizabeth Biermann at 281-8115 ext. 28